Branding Residential Properties in 12 steps
New Residential Properties all need to be branded and marketed for optimum sales .
Each new residential condominium building that comes to market needs to be branded and marketed to its targeted audience. There is a sequence of logical steps in that process, although depending on the size of the property this could vary.
1. Establish who the target audience or buyer is, and speak to them in your marketing messaging. This profile includes their education and professions, income, age range and lifestyle.
2. Create a name to identify the property: use either the actual address or a descriptive name that suits the property’s personality.
3. Hire a graphic designer to create a logo design for the property, review and approve one to use for the overall marketing— this logo design will need to be consistent across all of your messaging.
4. Develop further branding style guidelines,— establish an overall color scheme, a type style and image vocabulary that is appropriate to promoting your property.
5. Once you have the new logo design approved, buy a domain name for your website and create a single webpage that acts as a billboard and opt-in for more information on the property’s units.
6. If you require a sidewalk bridge to wrap the construction site, get that completed as soon you have a logo approved. Have your graphic designer create the sidewalk panel designs, then hire a sign-making shop to print and install the graphics on the sidewalk wall. This is great way to showcase the new website and advertise the contact information for the broker, in the early stages of construction.
7. Design a single “sell sheet” that the broker will use as an informational handout for interested buyers. This sheet would list a description of the building, amenities, price range, the broker’s contact information and the estimated completion date.
8. Prepare the visual content that will be needed for the main website and a possible brochure for the property. These elements would include a location map design, neighborhood photography, detailed unit floor plans, interior renderings of the actual units and apartment views if relevant.
9. Create a site plan for the main property website and establish the page content to be filled in as the components are completed.
10. Consider optional marketing tools such as direct mail postcards, a brochure or local print ads to promote the property further.
11. Once the building is near completion and you have created a “display unit” have a professional photographer take photos of this interior space and use these photos on the website and in print advertising.
12. If you have been gathering an email list of interested buyers, send out email announcements that the building is ready for visiting and setup Open House dates.
If you are getting ready to brand a new residential property, call me for a design consultation at 917-628-1431.